
Instruction for Authors



  1. Journal ”Istorija 20.veka” (History of the 20th century) receives unpublished articles and scholarly contributions (reviews, essays and notes) whose subject is contemporary history of Serbia, Yugoslavia and the Balkans in European and global context.
  2. Articles are published in Serbian and English, and in other languages should the need arise. Articles should be no longer than 50,000 characters, including footnotes and other additions. Text should be submitted in MS Word, font is Times New Roman size 12, with 1.5 spacing. Footnotes are without spacing, font size 10.
  3. All received manuscripts are a subject to a double-blind external peer review process. In order to be accepted the manuscript needs to be deemed publishable by two anonymous reviewers. Based on their reviews, the editors are informing the authors if the manuscript was accepted, conditionally accepted, deemed for revision or rejected.
  4. Submitted article manuscript should contain following elements in this order:

–     Name, surname and scholarly title of the author (Times New Roman, font size 12). The name of the author is written in capital letters. Manuscript cannot be authored by more than three persons. Author’s year of birth must be stated as well, for the catalogization procedures of National Library of Serbia

–     Name and the address of author’s institution (font size 12)

–     Electronic address of the author (font size 12)

–     ORCID number (font size 12)

–     Title of the manuscript (Times New Roman, font 14, block letters, bold)

–     Acknowledgements and project affiliations (if applicable) should be placed in an asterisk footnote to the title

–     Abstract (1000 characters, font size 11, in the language of manuscript), accompanied with up until 10 keywords

–     Manuscript text, written in Times New Roman, font size 12. Text can include chapters and subchapters, with titles in italic, font size 12

–     Footnotes (Times New Roman, font 10, single space), formatted in Chicago style

–     list of References (in alphabetical order, without archival sources), font size 12, formatted in Chicago style

–     Summary in English, including author’s name, full affiliation and title of manuscript, (font size 11, no more than 2.000 characters)

–     Keywords in English (up until 10 terms, font size 11)

  1. Tables, graphs, photos and other additions should be located in an adequate position in the text and accompanied with a numerical number of a figure and adequate description.
  2. Manuscripts which do not contain these elements will not be scrutinized for review.
  3. Detailed instruction regarding citing sources and literature is available in the text below. They follow 16th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style.
  4. The articles should be of up to 50,000 characters, with spaces and footnotes (the editorial board reserves the right to publish articles of larger size, if necessary).
  5. Manuscripts are to be submitted in an electronic form to the journal’s email address




  1. Referencing archival sources


When referencing archival sources, rules and recommendations of respective archives are to be followed. We advise quoting from general to particular (from archive, its collection and sub collection to a box, archival unit, dossier and page). Complete name of the archive and collection should be stated when mentioned for the first time, and shortened afterwards. When a specific document is quoted in the footnotes, it is accompanied with the name of the author (person or institution), title, number and date. Only the name of the archive and collection is used in the bibliography.


EXAMPLES: Arhiv Jugoslavije (AJ), fond 313, Ministarstvo prosvete DFJ (MP DFJ), fascikla 1, arhivska jedinica 2, MP DFJ – federalnim ministarstvima prosvete, br. 1363, 25. maj 1945. Dalje: AJ, 313-1-2, …

Diplomatski arhiv Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije (DA MSP), Politička arhiva (PA), Indija, 1955, fasc. 24, dosije 36, sign. 41989. Dalje: DA MSP, PA,…

Arhiv Srbije (AS), fond Centalni komitet Saveza komunista Srbije (CK SKS), Uprava za agitaciju i propagandu, fasc. 10, Izveštaj o školama u NR Srbiji i Beogradskom univerzitetu, jun 1949. Dalje: AS, CK SKS,…

Arhiv SANU, Istorijska zbirka, Zaostavština Aleksandra Belića, 14386, AB/IV – 1421.


  1. Referencing monographs


Monograph of a sole author

Footnote (F): Name and surname of the author, Book title (Place of publication: Publisher, Year), page number.

EXAMPLE: Branko Petranović, Srbija u Drugom svetskom ratu: 1929-1945 (Beograd: Vojnoizdavački i novinski centar, 1992), 26.

Bibliography (B): Surname, name of the author. Book title. Place of publication: Pulisher, Year.

EXAMPLE: Petranović, Branko. Srbija u Drugom svetskom ratu: 1929-1945. Beograd: Vojnoizdavački i novinski centar, 1992.


Monograph with two or three authors

F: Name and surname of the author and name and surname of the author, Book title, (Place of publication: Publisher, Year), page number.

EXAMPLE: Mira Radojević i Ljubodrag Dimić, Srbija u velikom ratu 1914 – 1918. Kratka istorija (Beograd: Srpska književna zadruga, Beogradski forum za svet ravnopravnih, 2014), 250.

B: Surname, name of the author, and name and surename. Book title. Place of publication: Pulisher, Year.

EXAMPLE: Radojević Mira, i Ljubodrag Dimić. Srbija u velikom ratu 1914 – 1918. Kratka istorija. Beograd: Srpska književna zadruga, Beogradski forum za svet ravnopravnih, 2014.



Monograph with four or more authors

If the monograph has four or more authors, the bibliography lists all the authors, and footnotes are listing only the first of the authors, followed by „i dr.“ (i drugi), or „et al.“, if the book is written in foreign language.

F: Name and surname of the author i dr., Book Title, (Place of publication: Publisher, Year), page number.

EXAMPLE: Ivica Todorović i dr., Etnologija i genetika: preliminarna multidisciplinarna istraživanja porekla Srba i stanovništva Srbije (Beograd: Etnografski institut SANU, Društvo srpskih rodoslovaca „Poreklo“, 2015), 58-69.

B: Surname, name of the author, and name and surname, and name and surname, and name and surname. Book title. Place of publication: Pulisher, Year. EXAMPLE: Todorović, Ivica, Zorica Đorđević, Marina Savić, Anđelko Marić, Anđelka Vučetić-Dragović i Dragan Mijović. Etnologija i genetika: preliminarna multidisciplinarna istraživanja porekla Srba i stanovništva Srbije. Beograd: Etnografski institut SANU, Društvo srpskih rodoslovaca „Poreklo“, 2015.


Editor, translator – primary responsibility

F: Name and surname, ur., gl i odg. ur., prev., prir., Book Title, (Place of publication: Publisher, Year), page number.

EXAMPLE: Momčilo Pavlović, prir., Dokumenti CIA o Jugoslaviji 1948 – 1983 (Beograd: Institut za savremenu istoriju, Univerzitet u Beogradu-Fakultet bezbednosti, Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije, 2009), 235.

B: Surname, name, ur., gl i odg. ur., prev., prir. Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year.

EXAMPLE: Pavlović, Momčilo, prir. Dokumenti CIA o Jugoslaviji 1948 – 1983. Beograd: Institut za savremenu istoriju, Univerzitet u Beogradu-Fakultet bezbednosti, Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije, 2009.

If the case of multiple editors and translators, same rules are applied as with the authors of monographs.


Editor, translator – secondary responsibility

F: Name and surname of the author, Book Title, ur., gl. i odg. ur., prev., prir. Name and surname (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), page.

EXAMPLE: Vladimir Aleksejevič Mošin, Pod teretom: autobiografija, prevod i komentari Nesiba Palibrk Sukić (Beograd: Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Pančevo: Gradska biblioteka, 2008), 102.

B: Surname, name of the author. Book Title, Editor, Translated by Name and Surname. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year.

PRIMER: Mošin, Vladimir Aleksejevič. Pod teretom: autobiografija. Prevod i komentari Nesiba Palibrk Sukić. Beograd: Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Pančevo: Gradska biblioteka, 2008.




If the book is available in several formats, the version used in the contribution should be referenced. It could be stated in the bibliography that the book is available in other formats as well.

F: Name and surname of the author, Book Title (Place of publication: Publisher, Year), http://adresa (date of last access).

PRIMER: Branislav Nušić, Autobiografija (Beograd: Kreativni centar, 2001), (pristupljeno 13. 10. 2008)

B: Surname, name of the author. Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. http://adresa. (date of last access). Also available in print and on CD-ROM.

EXAMPLE: Nušić, Branislav. Autobiografija. Beograd: Kreativni centar, 2001. (pristupljeno 13. 10. 2008). Also available in print and on CD-ROM




  1. Referencing edited volumes


Referencing an article from an edited volume:

F: Name and surname of the author, „Article Title“, u: Title of Edited Volume, urednik Name and Surname (Place of publication: Publisher, Year), page.

EXAMPLE: Bojan Dimitrijević, „Jugoslavija i NATO 1951-1958. Skica intenzivnih vojnih odnosa“, u: Spoljna politika Jugoslavije 1950-1951, urednik Slobodan Selinić (Beograd: Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 2011), 255-256.

B: Surname, name of the author. „Article Title“. U: Title of Edited Volume, urednik Name and Surname, pages. Place of publication: Publisher, Year.

PRIMER: Dimitrijević, Bojan. „Jugoslavija i NATO 1951-1958. Skica intenzivnih vojnih odnosa“. U: Spoljna politika Jugoslavije 1950-1951. Urednik Slobodan Selinić, 255-274. Beograd: Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 2011.


Referencing a chapter from an edited volume:

F: Name and surname of the author, „Chapter Title“, u: Title of Edited Volume, urednik Name and Surname (Place of publication: Publisher, Year), page.

EXAMPLE: Miroslav Jovanović, „Izbeglice u Srbiji: privatnost u senci traume“, u: Privatnost kod Srba u dvadesetom veku, urednik Milan Ristović (Beograd: Clio, 2007), 840-845.

B: Surname, name of the author. „Article Title“. U: Title of Edited Volume, urednik Name and Surname, pages. Place of publication: Publisher, Year.

EXAMPLE: Jovanović, Miroslav. „Izbeglice u Srbiji: privatnost u senci traume“. U: Privatnost kod Srba u dvadesetom veku. urednik Milan Ristović, 839-871. Beograd: Clio, 2007.


Introduction, Afterword

F: Name and surname, Introduction/Afterword u Book Title, Name and surname of the author (Place of publication: Publisher, Year), page.

EXAMPLE: Miroljub Kljajić, Predgovor u Autobiografija jednog maturanta 1941, Miodrag V. Mihailović (Čačak: Međuopštinski istorijski arhiv, 2012), 7-8.

B: Surname, name. Introduction/Afterword u Book Title, Name and surname of the author, pages. Place of publication: Publisher, Year.

EXAMPLE: Kljajić, Miroljub. Predgovor u Autobiografija jednog maturanta 1941, Miodrag V. Mihailović 7-8. Čačak: Međuopštinski istorijski arhiv, 2012.


Encyclopedia Entry

F: Name and surname of the author, „Title“, u: Encyclopedia, volume, (Place of publication: Publisher, year), pages.

EXAMPLE: Čedomir Popov, „Marković, Svetozar“, u: Srpski biografski rečnik, 6, Mar-Miš, (Novi Sad: Matica srpska, 2014), 204-209.

B: Surname, name of the author, „Title“. U: Encyclopedia, volume, pages. Place of Publication: Publisher, year.

EXAMPLE: Popov, Čedomir. „Marković, Svetozar“. U: Srpski biografski rečnik, 6, Mar-Miš, 204-209. Novi Sad: Matica srpska, 2014.



  1. Referencing of journals and articles


Article from a printed journal:

F: Name and surname of the author, „Article Title“, Journal Title, Year of Issue, Number, Issue (Year), page.

EXAMPLE: Dragan Bogetić, „Sovjetska politika prema Jugoslaviji tokom prve faze bipolarnog detanta“, Istorija 20. veka, XXXII, br. 2, (2014), 202.

B: „Article Title“, Journal Title, Year of Issue, Number, Issue (Year), pages.

PRIMER: Bogetić, Dragan. „Sovjetska politika prema Jugoslaviji tokom prve faze bipolarnog detanta“. Istorija 20. veka, XXXII, br. 2, (2014), 199-213.

Footnotes should state only page or pages used in the contribution, whereas bibliography should state entire number of pages in the contribution.

If the article has more authors, same rules are applied as with the authors of monographs.


Text from daily and periodical press:

F: Name and surname of the author, „Text title“, Press Title, date, page.

EXAMPLE: Aleksandar Belić, „Oko Trsta“, Politika, 17. 9. 1945, 1.

If the text i not signed, reference should start with its title.

B: Bibliography should not contain all the texts from the press. The title of periodical and the span of years which were used would suffice, stated after the section containing published sources. If some text is of particular importance, it should be referenced in the bibliography in a following manner: Surname, name of the author.

Ukoliko se radi o specifičnom i posebno važnom tekstu, navesti ga u bibliografiji na sledeći način: Prezime, ime autora. „Text title“. Press Title, date, page.

EXAMPLE: Belić, Aleksandar. „Oko Trsta“. Politika, 17. 9. 1945, 1.



Text in an on-line journal:

F: Name and surname of the author, „Text title“, Journal Title,  number, issue (year of publication), pages, (date of last access). DOI number.

EXAMPLE: Konstantin V. Nikiforov, „Modernization mixed with nationalism“, Balcanica, XLV, (2014), 443, (pristupljeno 28. 7. 2015). DOI:10.2298/BALC1445443N.

B: Surname, name of the author. „Text title“. Journal Title, number, issue (year of publication), pages, (date of last access).

EXAMPLE: Nikiforov, Konstantin V. „Modernization mixed with nationalism“, Balcanica, XLV, (2014), 443-451, (pristupljeno 28. 7. 2015). DOI:10.2298/BALC1445443N.

If the journal has no DOI number, http://adresu is to be stated as well as the date of access


  1. Referencing of MA and PhD dissertations

F: Name and surname, „Dissertation title“ (Type of work, University, Faculty, Department, Year)

EXAMPLE: Mr Miomir B. Gatalović, „Jugoslovenska državna politika na Kosovu i Metohiji: 1958-1974“ (doktorska disertacija, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet, Odeljenje za istoriju, 2014)

B: Surname, Name. „Dissertation title“. Type of work, University, Faculty, Department, Year.

EXAMPLE: Gatalović, mr Miomir B. „Jugoslovenska državna politika na Kosovu i Metohiji: 1958-1974“. Doktorska disertacija, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet, Odeljenje za istoriju, 2014.



  1. Referencing the Multimedia


Audio record:

F: Name and surname of the author, Title, Producer – media type.

PRIMER: Josip Broz Tito, Tito nam govori, PGP RTB 1977 – gramofonska ploča

B: Surname, name of the author. Title. Producer – media type.

PRIMER: Broz, Josip Tito. Tito nam govori. PGP RTB 1977 – gramofonska ploča.


Visual record:

F: Title of film, media, reditelj Name and Surname (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year).

EXAMPLE: Variola vera, DVD, reditelj Goran Marković (Beograd: Vans, 2005).

B: Title f film. reditelj Name and Surname. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Media EXAMPLE: Variola vera. Reditelj Goran Marković. Beograd: Vans, 2005. DVD.



  1. Referencing the interviews (oral history)

EXAMPLE: Interview with Nebojša Nakićenović, Vienna, Austria, 4. 10. 2008.



  1. Referencing e-mail and SMS

EXAMPLE: Marko Marković, e-mail sent to the author 10. 10. 2010.



  1. Referencing after the first reference in the text


Works should be referenced firstly in their complete form in the footnote, where after the first reference short form will be applied:

– for works written in Serbian language, repeated reference will be marked with Isto (if repeated in the following footnote) or n.d. (if repeated later in the text, as long as this is the only work of that author). When the author’s name is directly repeated, Isti/Ista is to be used.

EXAMPLE: footnote no. 5. Branko Petranović, Srbija u Drugom svetskom ratu: 1929-1945 (Beograd: Vojnoizdavački i novinski centar, 1992), 26.

footnote no. 6. Isto, 27.

footnote no. 26. B. Petranović, n.d., 205.


– if the contribution is in foreign language, term Ibid. is to be used (if repeated in the following footnote) or op. cit. (if repeated later in the text, as long as this is the only work of that author). When the author’s name is directly repeated, the term Idem. Is to be used.

EXAMPLE: footnote no. 5. David Holloway, Stalin and the Bomb: the Soviet Union and Atomic Energy: 1939 – 1956 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994), 45.

Footnote no. 6. Ibid.

Footnote no. 16. D. Holloway, op. cit., 50.


– if several works of the same author are used, each one should be referenced in its short form.

EXAMPLE: B. Petranović, Srbija u Drugom svetskom ratu…, 206.

Holloway, Stalin and the Bomb…, 250.

Dimitrijević, „Jugoslavija i NATO 1951-1958…“, 260.




When quoting literature in a scientific apparatus, respect the script on which the quoted work is published. In the references, all the terms published in Serbian, the Cyrillic script will be transliterated into the Serbian language, a Latin script. References in the Cyrillic alphabet of other languages (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, etc.) will be transliterated into Latin according to the rules for the transliteration of these languages.

In the basic text, the names of the months are written in letters, and within the quotations of the Arabic numerals.