Dr Jasmina Milanović
Institute for Contemporary History
Belgrade, Serbia
Dr Jasmina Milanović
Institute for Contemporary History
Belgrade, Serbia
Vol. XXXV, 1/2017, pp. 39–57
ABSTRACT/RESUME: Humanitarian society of Kolo srpskih sestara, founded in Belgrade in 1903, directed its main goal towards helping the Serbian people living in the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1906, the society started printing its annual calendar, simbolically named Vardar. Its content was adjusted to their main mission, as well as the literary works and illustrations which were published. In 1908, with the position of Serbian people changing in Old Serbia and Macedonia, the emphasis was moved to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The positions of Serbs in these territories became the main subject of the calendar. Many letters were sent to the editorial office from Sarajevo, Banja Luka and other places. Every opportunity was used for a closer contact and exchange of information. This is why the members of the society of Kolo srpskih sestara sent their managing member and founder Delfa Ivanić to the funeral of famous Adelina Irbi in Sarajevo in 1911. She travelled along with Živojin Dačić, secretary of organization Narodna odbrana (National Defense), so they used their visit to Sarajevo and Banja Luka for other activities, naturally under the watchful eye of the Austro-Hungarian authorities. The editorial staff of Vardar kept tight connections with Nikola Kašiković, editor of Bosanska Vila, as well as with the members of the Humanitarian Collectives of Serbian Women in Sarajevo and Banja Luka.
KEYWORDS: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kolo srpskih sestara, calendar Vardar, Narodna odbrana, Nikola Kašiković