
Tijana Šurlan, PhD
Department of Criminalistics, University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
Belgrade, Republic of Serbia



Vol. XLI, 1/2023, pp. 1–18



At the end of the First World War, the Kingdom of SCS appeared at the international scene, as one of several new states that were created as the outcome of the war. As such, the new state should go through the procedure of recognition, which was not a simple task, both from the factual position of the entity and from the position of the international law. The example of international legal recognition of the Kingdom of SCS presents a valuable example of the course of recognition. It shows that the potential for recognition rests with each state itself, and that a state would decide on recognition from its own point of view and its own interests. First recognitions given by Norway, the USA, Greece, Switzerland and Poland were given individually, they were de jure recognitions and they were unrelated. On the other hand, recognitions given in the course of the Paris Peace Conference present variety of recognitions, from de facto recognition to collective recognition, formulated within the peace treaties. This example clearly shows that the overall political position of a new state is of the utmost importance for the issue of recognition. The Kingdom of SCS, as a new state, belonged to the group of victorious states and, as such, it could count on the support from its allies. Although the course of international legal recognition did not happen to be easy and straightforward, final outcome of the whole process was supportive toward new state.


KEYWORDS: Creation of a State, Recognition of a State, Types of Recognition, Constitutive and Declarative Theories, Peace Conference in Paris, International Peace Treaties



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