
MA Natalija Dimić
Institute for Recent History of Serbia
Belgrade, Republic of Serbia



Vol. XXXIX, 2/2021, pp. 333–352



After repatriations were officially over in January of 1949, around 1,400 German prisoners remained in Yugoslavia on charges of war crimes. Yugoslavia’s foreign political shift westward following the Cominform Resolution of 1948, paved the way for establishing productive economic, as well as political and cultural cooperation with West Germany. The first trade agreement between the two states was signed in December of 1949. In the next four months, the West German Government attempted to pressure the Yugoslav side to release the remaining German prisoners by not ratifying the agreement. Eventually, in April of 1950, the two sides reached an unofficial agreement, according to which the Yugoslav side would release its prisoners gradually and improve their living conditions, while the West Germans would ratify the trade agreement and agree to negotiate long-term economic cooperation. The last transport of German prisoners arrived from Yugoslavia in March of 1953.


KEYWORDS: German Prisoners of War, Federal Republic of Germany, Yugoslavia, German-Yugoslav relations, Trade Agreement, Repatriation, War Crimes



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