Mladenka Ivanković, PhD
Institute for the Recent History of Serbia
Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Aleksandar Stojanović, PhD
Institute for the Recent History of Serbia
Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Vol. XXXVII, 2/2019, pp. 85–104
Although some forms of anti-Semitism had existed in Serbia for decades prior to WW2, they were marginal and widely considered as extreme, without any significant public support. Rise of Nazism and German penetration into the Balkans in late 1930s had a major impact on the position of the Jews in Serbia, as Germany imposed introduction of anti-Semitic decrees and spurred a strong, anti-Semitic media campaign. Actions against Jews in 1940 were just an omen and introduction to full-scale Holocaust that would happen in the following two years. Immediately upon the occupation of Serbia German military authorities introduction a massive anti-Semitic legislative, practically expanding the rule of the Nuremberg Laws to the occupied territory. Just in a couple of months Jews were deprived of all civil and human rights, limited in their movement, deprived of their property and freedom, publicly humiliated and excluded from the society. In the second stage of the Holocaust killing began, and in less than a year almost 90% of Serbian Jews were murdered. Entire process was followed by outrageous and extensively organized anti-Semitic campaign in press and public, which had one sole purpose: to isolate the Jews, dehumanize them and show them as the eternal evil, both as the enemy of Serbian nation and of the entire humankind. Almost entire anti-Semitic legislative was introduced by the German occupying administration, while the propaganda campaign was a joint venture of Nazi authorities and extreme-right activists and movements involved in collaboration with the occupier.
KEYWORDS: Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Propaganda, Legislation, Yugoslavia, Serbia, WWII Occupation, Collaboration, Nazi Germany
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